Getting error descriptions associated with a node
I have been looking for ways to query the number of errors and error types associated with a certain node in a model. In other words, I would like to get the descriptions of model checker and traverse to the exact location on click. Could anyone tell me how can I focus on a certain part of a certain node by code? In other words, I would like to highlight a node by click.
Thanks in advance!
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If you are talking about the way to open MPS editor for a node, you can try using following method on a root node:
Editor editor = jetbrains.mps.openapi.navigation.NavigationSupport.getInstance().openNode(...)
if you'd like to select some node inside this editor, you may call:
((BaseNodeEditor) editor).getEditorContext().getEditorComponent().selectNode(...)
Thanks a lot! :) It helped so much!