Using jung frame work plugin by mbeddr

Hi, I want to use Graph Diagrams (com.mbeddr.mpsutil.jung) plugin by mbeddr in my own language. I want to use it to implement my own graphical view of my nodes. In the description on mbeddr website they said in order to use this plugin, I need to implement the interface IJGraphProvider and implement a method that creates the graph.

What I'm trying to do is, that I have a class in my plugin aspect, and I want that class to implement the interface IJGraphProvider and implement a method that creates the graph but I couldn't see IJGraphProvider in the intensions list. Although I have added all the required dependencies.

what am I missing here?




The IJGraphProvider is not a Java interface, but a concept interface. You have to implement it in one of your concepts and then you can show diagrams for nodes of that concept.


Hi Sascha, thanks for replying. I would try that and get back here :)


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