Standalone IDE Welcome Screen different than MPS Welcome Screen

I noticed that my branded Standalone IDE has a different looking Welcome Screen that the one displayed when I am using MPS.  How can I get my Standalone IDE Welcome Screen to look like the MPS Welcome Screen with my branding (logos, etc).  I am using MMPS 2017.2.2



Official comment

It looks, like you patch MPSPlatformExtensions.xml in your build script and remove/replace this row:

<welcomeFrameProvider implementation="com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.welcomeScreen.FlatWelcomeFrameProvider"/>

Which switches off flat layout of welcome screen.

Thanks for the response Victor!  I have tried to remove that from the mps-workbench.jar!/META-INF/MPSPlatformExtensions.xml in my IDE Build Script by using the replace regex operations as follows:

jar mps-workbench.jar
folder META-INF
  file $mps_home/lib/mps-workbench.jar!/META-INF/MPSPlatformExtensions.xml (644)
    replace regex ".*com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.welcomeScreen.FlatWelcomeFrameProvider.*" /<no flags> -> <empty>
    replace regex ".*com.intellij.ide.TipOfTheDayManager.*" /<no flags> -> <empty>

import files from mpsStandalone::lib/mps-workbench.jar
exclude META-INF/MPSPlatformExtensions.xml

This removes the TipOfTheDayManager, but I noticed the welcomeScreen is still in the jar file!  Is there some other way to remove it?

I even edited the mps-workbench.jar file and removed the welcomeScreen provider, it still showed the Flat Welcome Screen.

Am I doing this right?


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