MPSSamples, Kajak rebuild issues warnings.
Hi, I am new to MPS. I just installed MPS, and clicked "Open Sample Project" and selected "MPSSamples.2017.2.3\robot_Kaja".
The project opens correctly. From the Project (Logical View) I right click root ("Kajak"), and select "Rebuild Project",
I see the following output:
eg: " Failed to replace dynamic reference 'classifier' with static counterpart: no target; resolveInfo=jetbrains.mps.samples.KajaAndOr.actions.ActionAspectDescriptorImpl. Dynamic reference is left intact. "
The scripts seem to run fine, but I am concerned that I have not done the MPS installation correctly.
1. Should the robot_Kaja example build cleanly?
2. How do I go about tracking down the cause of these warnings?
Thanks for your help.
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Hello Phil,
You've pointed to the right issue and warning will be gone after fix - you can watch it or even vote for it!
Well, it looks like my problem could be related to this bug report (MPS-25548).
Thanks Victor!