How to add "lib->accessories to a language?"

How to add "lib->accessories to a new language,,just like the "agreementLanguage"?Please reference to the screenshot!  In language settings,I can't  find  "languageName.accessories" in the popup menue of Accessories.

Permanently deleted user

In the latest build the only way do so is to set it in the acessorty models section of language properties. Before it you have to create a model in the language model root. In next build we're going to have a new acessory model action.


But howto create a model in the language model root?


I copied the directory from "agreementLanguage",But the name "agreementLanguage.declartions"can't be changed.


I get it


I ceat a node of a concept in lib, When there is not a "ref.node list cell" in the concept's editor,the node of lib turns out to be true,but when there is, it is false.

The error message is :


!exception:"Concept name"[ID] in *.declarations



Is it because I copy the accessories to my new project?

Permanently deleted user

You can set the same model root for some solution and than create new model in solution. After you do it you'll be able to select your model in accessories model in the language properties dialog.


Would you please show that more clearly?

Permanently deleted user

Are you familar with organization of IDEA project? In IDEA project consist of modules that have source folders. Source folders contains source folders. In IDEA you can't set the same source folder for 2 modules.

In MPS we have almost the same situation. We have 2 kinds of modules solutionss and languages. Each of them has model roots where you can place model. You can see them if you look in solution/language properties. In MPS it is possible to set the same model root for several modules and models in these model root will be the same (i.e we don't load the same model twice).

So if you want to create accessory models for langauge you can create a solution set for it the same models roots as for the language. Than create model in some of these model roots. And then set the model you choose as an accessory model.


Great! I made it!  

Thank you! MR.Konstantin Solomatov !


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