Support for copy'n'paste with IDEA
I'm writing a generator for a little language and try to copy a statement from IDEA into the class template. This results in funny /*statement: [statement] Statement <no name>[1231347823742] in ... code in the generated java class. Is there any possibility to copy code from IDEA editor into generator templates?
Best regards
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unfortunanately, copying of code from IDEA to MPS won't work.
i've submitted feature request -
This would be a really helping feature, because often there is some existing code in projects one want to re-use in generator templates. Imagine to write a spike, unit tests against this spike and create a language with a generator. You can use this unit tests to check if the language and generator are working like you want and copy'n'paste the spike code into the generator template. Also while transforming legacy code into a DSL style would greatly benefit from copying.
Best regards