Generating from ClassConcept with collections lang
In my ClassConcept I have
It generates
I understand that I'm missing something, but what? Tried everything I was able to think of.
private final map<string, T> map = new hashmap<string, T>;
It generates
private final <!TextGen not found for 'jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.collections.structure.MapType'!> map = new <!TextGen not found for 'jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.collections.structure.HashMapCreator'!>;
I understand that I'm missing something, but what? Tried everything I was able to think of.
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Is there any other way to ensure that collections can be used in generators?
The one you described works ok, but it looks very counter-intuitive for me. Usually "counter-intuitive" means "there is a better way".