Unit Test - Node Test Case
Can anybody explain the working of Node Test Case?
I have created a Node Test Case and it checks a particular node. I do not know how it checks.
I have created a Node Test Case and it checks a particular node. I do not know how it checks.
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I have just created an Editor test. I did the following,
In Before,
If Statement.
In Result
Ctrl+Space over the <exprn> and type "true" and press Enter.
I also write the steps in Code block.
But Unit test fails. Why? I have attached the screenshot.
FYI, you may omit the two "press key" commands in your case, since the "true" constant completes automatically.
And I have one more question.
Unit test is not working in code base for example mbeddr as code base. I think that it is working only for plugins inside MPS plugins directory. Is it? It works fine if I use mbeddr as plugins.
It shows errors like..... can't find language.. No concept for language..
There are two cases,
1. Using Plugins
- There is a need to list languages in the Used languages section(from MPS Plugins directory)
- The test run perfectly
2. Using Code base(Specified in Global Libraries section)(languages are placed in git directory -Outside of MPS Plugins directory)
- There is a need to list languages in the Used languages section (from git directory outside of MPS plugins directory)
- The test doesn't run correctly (It shows some errors like No concept found... No language for: ... .structure..)
I think that The test get the Node ID and searches inside the MPS Plugins and the test fails (Because those languages are in some other directory) Is it?
A better approach, both in 3.1 and in general, would be using "Project libraries" instead.