Enhancements of the constants language


while following the fast track tutorial I watched the "Creating your first language in JetBrains MPS" video (version from march 2015). After the great explanations in this video I looked at the related project in the delivered samples and detected some further topics beyond the scope of the video. A short search led me to the video "MPS basics - enhancing the language of constants", which is obviously an older one and the content differs from the current state of the sample project. Two questions:

1. Is there a chance that an updated version of the enhancements video will be released in the near future?
2. Are somewhere other hints or explanations to the enhancements of the constants language created in the current "Creating your first language" video? Especially I don't understand the ideas and relations between the ConstantReference, ConstantReferenceKeeper and DistantConstantReference concepts at this time.

Used version of MPS: 3.2.3

Thanks in advance for any help,
Hello Florian,

you've correctly assessed the situation. I may hopefully get to redoing the "enhancements" video soon and I would also include the ConstantReference - in essence, it is used to refer to a constant from within an initializer of another constant.
You can happily ignore the other mentioned concepts for now, since they were used to illustrate cross-model generation, which is likely to get changed radically in 3.4 anyway.

Thanks for your quick response and your advice. I am looking interested forward to the new video about this topic.


Especially I don't understand the ideas and relations between the ConstantReference, ConstantReferenceKeeper and DistantConstantReference concepts at this time.

Can you please point me to the tutorial where these concepts are described?
I stumbled exactly upon the problem of the cross-model generation, and I didn't find any mentions of these concepts in the "Creating your first language in JetBrains MPS" video.

Thanks in advance!
The documentation covering cross-model generation is at https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD32/Cross-model+generation+cookbook
BTW, we're now considering a slightly different approach to cross-model generation in MPS 3.3 and especially 3.4
Thanks for quick reply!
Haven't had time to try it out yet, but it seems to be exactly what I need!

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