Spreadsheet functionality

MPS gives the feeling of working with "structured" spreadsheet, e.g. editing the sheet data compliant to a defined schema, which is IMHO a really useful feature missing from spreadsheet applications. Is it possible (or would it be possible) to have some "real" spreadsheet functionality in MPS?

A typical spreadsheet usage example - calculate a sum of N integers.

It is possible with MPS to define a model that is an array of integers, and define an editor for this data structure. What is missing is - how to define anoter model element that will be the sum of that array and to have it re-evaluated every time the content of an array is changed?

Spreadsheet IMHO are great in a way that they provide instant results without the need to generate code/compile/run resulting program. It would be nice to have this kind of integration - editing models in MPS while runnng "the program" already difined in MPS. You can interpret is as "on-the-fy model translation and execution"

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Igor Karpov wrote:

MPS gives the feeling of working with "structured" spreadsheet, e.g. editing the sheet data compliant to a defined schema, which is IMHO a really useful feature missing from spreadsheet applications. Is it possible (or would it be possible) to have some "real" spreadsheet functionality in MPS?

A typical spreadsheet usage example - calculate a sum of N integers.

It is possible with MPS to define a model that is an array of integers, and define an editor for this data structure. What is missing is - how to define anoter model element that will be the sum of that array and to have it re-evaluated every time the content of an array is changed?

Spreadsheet IMHO are great in a way that they provide instant results without the need to generate code/compile/run resulting program. It would be nice to have this kind of integration - editing models in MPS while runnng "the program" already difined in MPS. You can interpret is as "on-the-fy model translation and execution"

We are planning to implement spreadsheet functionality but some things

you can implement right now. In editor language we have model accessor

cell that can be used to display value derived from other nodes.


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