Problems whith TheSimpestLanguage
I'm trying to create the test model for the SimplesLanguage and I get the folowing error messages:
Can't find a class : TheSimplestLanguage.structure.TheSimplestConcept
Can't find an adapter for jetbrains.mps.smodel.SNode. Try generating adapters.
What can I do?
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Try to generate the language: select "TheSimplestLanguage" language node in project tree and choose 'Generate language' in popup menu.
I already did it!
Make sure that generated java files are compiled.
Check the langauge properties: the 'language class path' should point to directory containing your classes.
I compiled the java classes manualy and It worked!
Thank you!
How the integration between MPS and the java compiler work? Can you point me some document on that?
The only integration available is integration with IntelliJ IDEA via MPS idea plugin.
If plugin is installed and IntelliJ IDEA is running, then MPS asks IDEA to 'make' project after file generation is complete.
Otherwise the compilation and 'reload All' should be done manually.