Cannot find used language dependency in build solution

I try to export a language via build solution so that I can use it as IDEA plugin. This works like a charm with another (simple) language I created, but a more sophisticated one fails with this error:
"cannot find used language in dependencies: jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone"

Indeed is that one not listed in the solutions dependencies section (but in the model properties), only jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin. I've already added the jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone.jar from $mps_home/languages/workbench, but that doesn't help.

So where I can declare this dependency?

Best regards,
Hi, Jens!

IntelliJ IDEA plug-in retains only the minimal (core) set of MPS functionality which is required for language users, not developers. To bundle a language for IntelliJ IDEA you have to constraint your dependencies by that reduced set of modules (see buildCore and buildCoreEx scripts for the full list).

Here are two quick rules:
  • modules with platform suffix (meaning IntelliJ IDEA platform) are bundled into the MPS Core plug-in
  • modules with workbench (or standalone) suffix are available only in the full MPS IDE distribution

Thanks Evgeny! I've already tried to remove the jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone dependency from language, but it can't be removed from plugin model. So I'll have to see if I could workaround this problem.

Best regards,
For module dependencies use "Analyze -> Analyze Dependencies" tool. In the upcoming 3.0 we added an ability to analyze "Used languages" as well.

Meanwhile, grep plugin.mps file for jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone.structure:
<import index="tgbt" modelUID="r:c70ee934-afb1-4c02-b6a9-1c4d1908a792(jetbrains.mps.lang.plugin.standalone.structure)" version="1" implicit="yes" />
Then grep for the index attribute value (tgbt), you'll find something like
<node type="tgbt.StandalonePluginDescriptor" ....
Now you can open the concept (Ctrl N -> StandalonePluginDescriptor) and search for its instances in the project.
Without the StandalonePluginDescriptor I can build and use the IDEA plugin :) Unfortunatle I have some functionality in the context menu (import a file, refactorings) which is not available now. Thats no surprise of course - but there is an IdeaPluginDescriptor(-Impl). May I use this to get the IDEA context menu options?

Best regards,

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