Distribution script (Standalone IDE)
I am trying to create Standalone IDE for my test "Project", and I'm using this manual: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD33/Building+standalone+IDEs+for+your+languages
I've used wizard to create "build solution" and it generated two scripts ("Project" and "Project distribution"). Solution rebuilds without any problems, but the generated "Project districution" contains commands like this:
tar ${build.number}-linux.tar.gz (compression gzip)
folder Project1 ${version}
import files from Project1::/
folder bin
file $mps_home/bin/linux/fsnotifier (755)
file $mps_home/bin/linux/fsnotifier64 (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mps.vmoptions (644)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
file $mps_home/bin/mps64.vmoptions (644)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
files from $mps_home/bin/linux
exclude **/fsnotifier
exclude **/fsnotifier64
file $mps_home/mps.sh (755)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
zip ${build.number}.zip
folder Project1 ${version}
import files from Project1::/
folder bin
file $mps_home/bin/mps.vmoptions (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mps.exe.vmoptions (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mps64.vmoptions (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mps64.exe.vmoptions (644)
folder win
files from $mps_home/bin/win
exclude **/*.exe
filemode folders: <default (755)>, files: 755
files from $mps_home/bin/win
include **/*.exe
folder linux
files from $mps_home/bin/linux
exclude **/fsnotifier
exclude **/fsnotifier64
file $mps_home/bin/linux/fsnotifier (755)
file $mps_home/bin/linux/fsnotifier64 (755)
folder nix
filemode folders: <default (755)>, files: 755
files from $mps_home/bin/nix
folder mac
file $mps_home/bin/mac/libbreakgen.jnilib (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/libbreakgen64.jnilib (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/restarter (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/fsnotifier (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/printenv.py (755)
folder Contents
folder Resources
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/Resources/mps.icns (644)
folder MacOS
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/MacOS/mps (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/MacOS/idea_appLauncher (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/Info.plist (644)
file $mps_home/mps.sh (755)
file $mps_home/mps.bat (755)
zip ${build.number}-macos.zip
folder Project1 ${version}.app
folder Contents
import files from Project1::/
folder Resources
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/Resources/mps.icns (644)
folder MacOS
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/MacOS/mps (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/MacOS/idea_appLauncher (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/Contents/Info.plist (644)
folder bin
file $mps_home/bin/mac/libbreakgen.jnilib (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/libbreakgen64.jnilib (644)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/restarter (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mac/fsnotifier (755)
file $mps_home/bin/mps.vmoptions (644)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
file $mps_home/bin/mps64.vmoptions (644)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
file $mps_home/bin/mac/printenv.py (755)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
file $mps_home/mps.sh (755)
fix eol: convert to a single LF, remove eof (Ctrl-Z): true
The problem is that folder "$mps_home/bin" (which points to the "/Applications/MPS 3.3.app/Contents/bin/") does not have "linux" or "mac". The same way there're no files like: "/Applications/MPS 3.3.app/Contents/bin/mps.exe.vmoption" or "/Applications/MPS 3.3.app/Contents/mps.sh"
I'm using default Mac OS X version downloaded from here: https://www.jetbrains.com/mps/download/#section=osx-version
Though, Win version of the MPS 3.3 that I have on another computer also does not have folders "bin/linux" and "bin/mac"
When I'm trying to run "Project Distribution" as expected it reports: "BUILD FAILED /Applications/MPS 3.3.app/Contents/bin/linux does not exist."
Despite all that mentined tutorial in the part "Inspecting the Generated Directory Structure" shows as if 3 archive files ought to be created:
1. project.zip
2. project-macos.zip
3. project-linux.tar.gx
What do I do wrong? Is there some other distribution of the MPS that I should install to get all the files required to build standalone IDE?
Thanks in advance.
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Ok, I downloaded "Generic Distribution" from here: https://www.jetbrains.com/mps/download/#section=generic-version
It contains all the required files. I didn't figure out yet how to use this distribution on mac, so I just dropped it in some folder "x" and then created path variable "mps_home" in my main mac MPS distribution, pointing to "x/MPS 3.3".
After this distribution script executed successfully - producing all three packages.