When using MPS to generate two langauges together, second one is always ignored.


I have three language projects defined, one for language itself, one for using plaintextgen to generate c++ code, one for using plaintextgen to generate python code.

When I use either c++ or python in a solution to generate target code, any of them are fine.

But when I include them both, c++ source code can always generated, but python code is always empty.

Does anyone know the possible reason of this?

I assume I could generate multiple languages in one go, otherwise it's too inconvenient.




Generation plan:

I don't know why python was not engaged, only cpp.



> #showGenPlan LMESelectV10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 ---------------------  mappings partitioning  -----------------------------------  

[ 1 ]  

[ 2 ]  

[ 3 ]  

[ 4 ]  
 main.*  [com.dslfoundry.plaintextflow#01]  

Model directly uses next languages (including explicitly engaged, if any):  
Beware, some languages used in the model are not covered by the generation plan!  

 eb_lang  [Language without generators]  
Engaged generators with trace:  
EngagedGenerator: eb_lang_cpp/main as OWNED through [EngagedLanguage: eb_lang_cpp]  
EngagedGenerator: eb_lang_python/main as OWNED through [EngagedLanguage: eb_lang_python]  
EngagedGenerator: jetbrains.mps.lang.core/generator as OWNED through [EngagedLanguage: jetbrains.mps.lang.core as EXTENDS through [EngagedLanguage: eb_lang_cpp]]  
EngagedGenerator: com.dslfoundry.plaintextflow/main as OWNED through [EngagedLanguage: com.dslfoundry.plaintextflow as GENERATES INTO through [EngagedGenerator: eb_lang_cpp/main as OWNED through [EngagedLanguage: eb_lang_cpp]]]  
1 roots, 1 components  
#0(1):  LMESelectV10  

1 roots, 1 components  
#0(1):  LMESelectV10   


For whatever reason when multiple generators are engaged, they are engaged in sequence. This means that if the first generator transforms your DSL successfully into C++, there will be no DSL nodes left for the Python generator to work on. You probably want to look into creating a generation plan with a fork instead.


Hi Sergej Koščejev,

Thanks very much for the reply.

I tried generation plan, but no luck.

do you have a working example?

I followed this link https://www.f1re.io/multi-generators , seems the code doesn't work in new MPS any more.

And I used the same way applied to my project, didn't work.


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