Migration script leaves Module and Models in inconsistent state
We experienced the following issue after running both manually written and automatically generated migration scripts:
ERROR - tion.runtime.base.VersionFixer - Migration assistant detected inconsistency in language versions. Module my.module.namespace.solution [solution] uses language my.language.namespace.langName with version 3 while its model my.module.namespace.solution.Model uses this language with version 2
We are uncertain how this state comes about. We suspect it might have to do with using a devkit as a "used language" dependency + an additional language dependency to my.language.namespace.langName. The language in question (my.language.namespace.langName) was not part of the devkit, but might have been resolved nonetheless since extending languages have been part of the devkit.
Any hints on how the inconsistent state comes about would be appreciated.
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Hello, Robert!
What actions created automatically generated migrations scripts? Move concept refactoring? Or something else?
Hi Maria,
yes, move concept refactoring created a PureMigrationScript.
We also experienced the error above applying manually written migrations only, thought.
Hi, Robert,
I'm currently investigating the issue, but still can't reproduce it. If you could remember the steps to reproduce, this might be helpful.
It would also be helpful if we knew what are the migrations from version 1 and from version 2 (in languagemy.language.namespace.langName). Maybe I could provide some workaround then.
Hi Mihail,
this is tough, unfortunately, because we encountered this in different contexts and only ever noticed it when the error message from my original message appeared in the console. So it is hard for us to deduct the causality when this happened exactly.
Obviously, we got into this state after one of us migrated our languages via a migration script, commited these changes and pushed them to the remote repo.
After another user pulled these changes, this error seemed to have occured.
We now don't use this process anymore ("migrating languages by executing the migration script once, pushing and pulling changes on other clients to migrate them as well). This seems to be a bad practice, right?
Hi, Robert,
Thanks for the info.
Ok, I can now imagine how this could happen when using VCS. We have not yet implemented handling versions info in VCS integration (we planned this long ago, but still don't have free hands for this task). The idea is that the inconsistency should be reported to the user on merge/update and (if possible) missing migrations should automatically be run on the model.
>migrating languages by executing the migration script once, pushing and pulling changes on other clients to migrate them as well
I'm not sure I heard you aright, but we typically adhere to the following strategy in our team: