Remove "languages engaged in generation" programatically
i m just wondering how i can access the "languages engaged in generation" list of a model. Basically, i just have to clear that list in every project model i have.
I wrote a plugin action, accessing MPSProject and all the models.
However, i looked around to find an access to the languages, but found none .....
Any hint?
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You can access the languages engaged properties by using the following piece.
Collection<SLanguage> languagesEngagedOnGeneration = new ArrayList<SLanguage>(((SModelBase) smodel).getLanguagesEngagedOnGeneration());
foreach l in languagesEngagedOnGeneration {
((SModelBase) smodel).removeEngagedOnGenerationLanguage(l);
For further reference, visit Vaclav's Voice menu demo.
Hi Nandha,
thanks a lot for your recommendation! Works as expected ..