C# Language Support

I'm a .NET developer, who just came across MPS a few weeks ago. This is what I have been looking for for ages!

That being said, I really would like c# support. I know there have been attempts before at this, but what I'd like to try, is to take a full clone of the baseLanguage, and adjust it for c#. Would this be feasible? If so, how do I take a full copy of the baseLanguage?

Thanks in advance!

Official comment

Hi Matthijs,

for inspiration you can grab the MPS sources and look at the implementation of BaseLanguage. The https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPS/Contributing+to+JetBrains+MPS+Project page provides info on how to use the sources.

Implementing a language like C# is, however, a challenging task that would take a lot of time to accomplish. Having said that, I still think starting from scratch would be a faster approach than adopting the BaseLanguage definition. It is not only the syntactic differences, but also the heritage that BaseLanguage has accumulated over time.

Maybe this project can be used as a starting point - https://github.com/vaclav/MPS_CSharp



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