Replace matching text and / or description text

Hi everyone.

I try to find a way to replace matching text and / or description text for substitution menu.

So, I have simple test example:

I would like to change "Child" and/or "Child Node" text. For example, I would like to add "[!]" to all concepts that implements "Magic" interface. But I don't understand how.

I understand that in theory I can do this with transformation language but it doesn't work.

So, How can we change it?

Unfortunately, I didn't get answer in the similar question:

1 comment

For example, I can use "Wrap substitute menu" from Transformation menu.

But then I can't create node from Substitution menu at all. I have new node as a createdNode... but its not in the model. And I don't want to call any method from targetNode. I would like to "wrap" and not "override" basic transformation menu.


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