How to extend "Cell Keymap" of default MPS languages
I would like to reuse the jetbrains.mps.lang.text in our own DSL but I am missing certain key actions like Ctrl + Backspace (those are available in any normal text editor).
Is there any nice solution to do that?
As far as I can see, there is neither an option to extend a "Cell Keymap" nor too add two keymaps to a single editor cell.
I have three options in mind:
1. Use node attribute
Problem: The node attribute would not be added automatically two each word or am I missing something?
2. Copy the language
Copying a default MPS language is never preferred, of course.
And how is the spell checker implemented?
It looks like the IDE integrated spell checker does not check strings of my own <Word> concept and I can't find any hint how to tell the spell checker to check my concepts as well.
3. Implement an own editor for <Word> with specific context hint
This is actually working (surrounding {value} with two collections, one containing the old keymap and one the new, additional keymap) but I have to set the editor hint which is not perfect.
Thanks for your time and developing this great language workbench!
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There's another option: create a plugin, define an action to do what you want, bind it to Ctrl+Backspace using a keymap.
Her Sergej,
thanks for the quick replay.
Adding a plugin is the best workaround, I think.
Unfortunately, "TextElement" is restricted to "Line" and Line always has multiple elements so that is look not possible to have a line of a single element.
May I ask again if there is a way to apply the IDEA spell checker to an own concept?
> Unfortunately, "TextElement" is restricted to "Line" and Line always has multiple elements so that is look not possible to have a line of a single element.
I'm not sure what the problem is: Line has elements[1..n] so it's possible to have a line with a single element.
> May I ask again if there is a way to apply the IDEA spell checker to an own concept?
Yes but not a simple one. Here's the class that implements it in MPS, it's hardcoded for Java comments and string literals:
Thanks for link :)
@Line topic:
I would like to have bullet lists and numbered lists. Those should be at the position of a line (so no words can be placed before and after a list).
Extending Line does not work. Replacing line with an own concept does not work (because TextElement must be a child of Line). There might be some more complex solutions to implement the restrictions but I would like to have a simple one.
One simple solution that comes to mind could be to create a checking rule for a concept of yours that contains these lists. The rule would check that the lists are well-formatted (no words before/after a list).