Blaming nodes

Is there any simpler way to annotate or blame the structure other than going to the textual XML format files?


Thanks in advance.


MPS 2020.2 can do this, right-click on the left editor margin and choose Annotate there. I'd expect it to work by right-clicking the node as well but for some reason the Annotate action there is grayed out.


Thanks. Did you mean right-clicking in the margin of the Git tool window editor? Because I see unavailable annotate actions by right-clicking anywhere in the margin of the "main" window. But annotations in the Git window is still annotations on the underlying XML content. I guess I need to employ other solutions.


I mean right-clicking on the left (gray) margin of the main editor:


Oh, I know why I could not annotate. I tried to annotate from the Modules Pool, some of which were actually not from respositories. How careless of me :) Thank you!


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