Filtering nodes in completion menu through a sub menu contribution

Hi All,

I have a concept A which has a children whose concept is abstract ,this children concept is implemented by 10-20 new concepts.

Now i have created a new concept B ,having concept A as child. So in concept B's code completion menu all the children of the concept A implemented by 10-20 concepts comes in code completion menu.

Now, what i want is to filter the concepts (i.e only 2-3 concepts of the children of concept A to come )

I tried sub menu contribution to child(abstract) of concept A ,but all i could do is add concepts to the parent contribution and could not filter it. Is there any way around this ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Vignesh M


I think a substitute menu for A that contains a parametrized action should do. You specify the desired 3 concepts as parameters to the parametrized action.


I would suggest defining a “can be parent” constraint for B in this case: return false if the link equals link/B : a/ and childConcept is one of the unwanted concepts, otherwise true.


Thanks for the response Vaclav Pech. But the concept A is in different language , i have used the concept A(which has a abstract concept as child) as child in concept B in a different language ,in other words B contains A ,so i could write only substitution menu contribution for concept A's child as  i am in a different language ,so in the contribution i added the 3 concepts as parameters ,but still along with these concepts other concepts are coming too .And and also the three concepts i added here are coming twice (One from the parent and one from the parameterized action ). Is it possible to filter the code completion concepts coming from parent ?I want only these concepts 


Thank you for the reply Sergej Koščejev. I tried the solution suggested , i was able to get the link from the parent constraint ,but the concept of the link i am getting it as the abstract concept only not the implemented concepts ,for all the entries i got only the abstract concept as its concept.

I tried something like this given in the image.If i get the implemented concepts for every entry problem is solved 


It worked ,thank you so much Sergej Koščejev .I did something like this


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