Insert a checkbox - which language do I need to import
Hello all,
I am a bit desperate. I want to add a checkbox like in the sample "notesOrganizer" to my project. So create a checkbox like [ ] for false and [x] for true. In the sample you have the option to insert a checkbox in your editor with the command "checkbox". But when I try this in my project, I can not find it. I compared the dependencies in the model properties of the language and I did not find any differences. Can someone help me, please?
Best regards,
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You are looking for j.m.l.editor.forms. It must be imported into the editor model of your language.
It should be in "used languages" (Control + L)
Hi Vaclav, thank you. But I think I do a mistake. When I import this package into the dependencies of my model and I try to insert a checkbox into my language it is not possible. What do I wrong?
Perfect, thank you!