How the compilation of Java files is triggered after textgen is ran? I would like to execute some code after I complete generate something into text. I see there are post-processing scripts which ran ...
This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: How the compilation of Java files is triggered after textgen is ran? I would like to execute some code after I complete generate something into text. I see there are post-processing scripts which ran after the model-to-model transformations are finished, and I guess I could add random code in the textgen elements, but at that point the code is not yet saved on file, I think
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There is a JavaCompile facet.
Right, I forgot about facets!
You might find DebugJavaEvaluate facet relevant (it injects a code into a model to support ‘evaluate’ debugger functionality)
Thanks, I will look at it!
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