Does anyone have any experience to share about setting up a plugin repository for your languages? It seems like an interesting alternative to building an new standalone IDE with plugins bundled everyt...
This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: Does anyone have any experience to share about setting up a plugin repository for your languages? It seems like an interesting alternative to building an new standalone IDE with plugins bundled everytime your languages are changed. But the users have to customize the plugin repository and I'm not clear how to control the frequency of updates. Wondering if anyone has any perspectives on delivering languages updates to users via standalone IDE builds v. plugin repositories v. something else.
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I'm was thinking if JetBrains fits, but you probably want a private plugin repository to share plugins only with your customers, right?
Yes, this would be internally hosted for just my customers.
It seems I saw one such case. I'll try to check it.
Thanks, Maria.
Here is a doc on how to setup custom plugin repository
As far as I got after your user setup custom plugin repository he/she will find plugins from this repository in on Marketplace tab (Settings/Preferences | Plugins). For jetbrains plugin repository I know I’ll get notification when installed plugin is updated in the plugin repository. If this notification works for custom repository then it seems solves the problem with “how to control the frequency of updates”, isn’t it?
If the notification (that the plugin has been updated) happens as soon as I start MPS, that would be perfect. Let me give this a try and I will let you know. Thank you Slack user:U6M94JMGX>!
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