Hi, I have created a solution for a java external library. After adding the jar, I can see the 'stubs' under the solution. But the problem is within the jar I have a root folder 'xsd' and it contains...
This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: Hi,
I have created a solution for a java external library. After adding the jar, I can see the 'stubs' under the solution. But the problem is within the jar I have a root folder 'xsd' and it contains several '.xsd' files, but this 'xsd' folder itself is not visible under 'stubs'. So when I call methods from the jar, it is unable to find the xsd files and hence throwing exception.
Is there a way to add the 'xsd' folder into the 'stubs'?
Arun K.
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Stubs are created only for classes, not for resources.
Resources are still available in the jar so you can access them via the regular Java means (getResourceAsStream()). Just make sure that your jar is also added as a library on the Java tab.

Okay, thanks. There was an issue with the java resource path and that was causing exception for me.

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