Hello <a href='https://jetbrains-mps.slack.com/archives/C3YUV3YK0'>general</a> , I am working with the 'interactive editing guide' provided by mbeddr. While trying to run the 'interactive editing guid...
This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: Hello general
, I am working with the 'interactive editing guide' provided by mbeddr. While trying to run the 'interactive editing guide' , I came across an error which instructed me to change solution properties under which the guide was defined. It specifically instructed me to change java -> solution kind ->None (or) Other. Although, the change was trivial and I was able to run the interactive editing guide I would be glad to know what is the significance of this menu also be glad if any of you could elaborate on the significance of this change too.
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Thank you for the guidance Mr.Lisson
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