Hello together, I have a question related to the editor. I've created two concepts A and B (both implements INamedConcept). Concept A can contain two different children, a single child B or a list of ...

This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: Hello together, I have a question related to the editor. I've created two concepts A and B (both implements INamedConcept). Concept A can contain two different children, a single child B or a list of B. If the user has entered the name of A and presses the enter key, the focus will jump directly to the list with B and creates a new B child. I've allready tried to set the focus, make use of action and key maps, but nothing worked for me (maybe i am using it wrong?). Is there a way to avoid this behavior? The focus should remain on the name of MyA, even if the user presses the enter key.
I think you need an action map with INSERT action on the cell for A's name that would do nothing. This should make MPS ignore the Enter key on that cell.
Hi Slack user:U6K3FGW3U> thanks for your advice. But it does not work for me. It seems to me that the editor doesn't react to the action map at all in that case, because the name it's just text.
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