[Solved :white_check_mark:] Hello, What’s the right way to add a third-party dependency to the build file (1) ? I’m trying to build a standalone IDE for a language that uses `grammarcells` as depen...
This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: [Solved :white_check_mark:] Hello,
What’s the right way to add a third-party dependency to the build file (1) ?
I’m trying to build a standalone IDE for a language that uses `grammarcells` as dependency (2), but I get an error saying that the dependency cannot be found during the build process (3).
Any suggestions?

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You have to have grammarcells loaded into your IDE. This means it should be added as a project library in Preferences → Build, Execution, Deployment → Project Libraries.

By the way, in the Project View I see the folder name is `lib` while in the broken path in the editor it name is `libs` .

Slack user:U6M94JMGX> I just found the typo, thanks


Before I only had the *mps-extensions* entry, I added a new one for *grammarcells,* fixed the typo in the path, re-built everything, but the error persists :disappointed: .

Btw, the error only occurs for the *Build* Solution, in the language I can use grammarcells without issues.

I removed the Build Solution, and created a new one. In the properties of the new solution I can see that *grammarcells* is automatically added as *Used language.* I also added it to the Dependencies sections without success

Slack user:U6K3FGW3U> is the build script that packs grammar cells named `de.itemis.mps.extensions` ?

In my version of extensions I can find build script named `com.mbeddr.mpstil.grammarcells`

To solve the problem, I did the following two steps:

First, I added `de.itemis.mps.grammarcells.build` to your build model: 

Second, I added `de.itemis.mps.extensions` to the list of dependencies in my build script 

Finally, Re-Build :slightly_smiling_face:
Muchas gracias Slack user:UA14L80HK> for helping me to solve the problem :thumbsup:

Slack user:U6M94JMGX> Slack user:U6K3FGW3U> thanks for your help and time too :wink:

Yes, this aligns with my understanding. I just wasn’t sure which build script packs grammar cells in the extensions.

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