Hello, could someone point me into the right direction to personalise the wizard to create a new Project for a Language X? I created a Standalone IDE for my language Auroral,. Right now, only two cate...

This is an auto-generated question from the MPS Slack community: Hello, could someone point me into the right direction to personalise the wizard to create a new Project for a Language X? I created a Standalone IDE for my language Auroral,. Right now, only two categories appears in the left panel (see screenshot). I would like to remove those and show instead the option to create an “Auroral Project”
I do remember a sample (at least how to create your personal type of project) in https://github.com/vaclav/voicemenu In `voicemenu.plugin.project.wizard` model
Thanks again Slack user:U6M94JMGX>
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