how 'deep' does .children go for a concept?...
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suggests that .children does not recurse down in the ast, but the ancestor does?

Yes, sounds like .anchestors is the operation you are looking for. The children operation return's the children of the node but not children of children etc.

that's not nice :stuck_out_tongue:

Would you like to have the same behaviour for ancestors and children? What would you like to archive?

the level 2 children of a concept need to be updated by a listener

the listener has to find these children and update their properties

So something like . children<type>.select(it.children)

yes, but that's only two levels deep

There is .descendants

my bad! I mixed up ancestors and descendants:man-facepalming:

children = 1 level
descendants = all levels
I guess if you explicitly need children of the 2nd level, you have to implement a dedicated method or base language extension.

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