Custom persistence Permanently deleted user Created September 22, 2005 08:30 Is there an example of using custom persistence already?
Hello, Igor,
> Is there an example of using custom persistence already?
I forgot to add it in build 219. I added them in build 220. You can
donwload it now.
We have two examples of custom persistence. Both of them are created to
edit log4j configuration files. First (project log4j) is direct mapping
of lo4j DTD to MPS. Second (log4j2) works only with the most important
part of log4j configuration, log filtering.
Hi Igor, sorry for offtopic
you've submitted scr "Special cell for editing booleans"
i wrote comment but i'm not sure whether you received notification. I will duplicate it here:
+it seems that required support is inplace.
- in structure model declare enum data type (say - "FeatureUsageDataType") with element type - boolean
- make your property type - FeatureUsageDataType
after editor is generated you will have corresponding choices in autocompletion menu
please, try this and say if it worked out+